"; $content .= "SQL Statement:\n" . $query; } switch($in) { //example 1: case 9971: //Hits from rene-froger.startkabel.nl redirect to rene froger page: $Refresh_URL = $SiteUrl . "artist.php?id=0133"; break; //example 2: case 9980: //DutchTop40.net MP3 //if isset($q), go to search.php with the given query. if (isset($q) && !empty($q)) { $Refresh_URL = $SiteUrl . "zoek.php?searchFor=$q&mode=$mode"; } else { $Refresh_URL = $SiteUrl; } break; default: $Refresh_URL = $SiteUrl; //$content .= showMusicLinksTable(); break; } $showContent = true; $Refresh_Name = $SiteTitle; $refreshTime = 3; $content .= "Bedankt voor het stemmen op een van onze link partners!
\n"; $content .= "Klik hier om naar onze homepage te gaan.\n"; } elseif (isset($out)) { //OUTgoing visitors //increment the click-amount for $PARTNER_ID $query = "UPDATE $table SET p_click_out=p_click_out+1, p_click_out_total=p_click_out_total+1 WHERE p_id='$out'"; if(!mysql_query($query)) { echo mysql_errno().": "; echo mysql_error()."
"; } // Fetch the link for redirect: $query = "SELECT p_url, p_name, p_description FROM $table WHERE p_id='$out'"; $query_result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Unable to process query"); $click_site = mysql_fetch_array($query_result); $Refresh_URL = $click_site['p_url']; $Refresh_Name = $click_site['p_name']; $Refresh_Name_Long = $click_site['p_description']; $content .= "

De website: $Refresh_Name, is nu geopend in een nieuw venster. Zo niet, klik op de volgende link om dit alsnog te doen. "; $content .= "$Refresh_Name - $Refresh_Name_Long"; $content .= "

Bedankt voor je bezoek aan $SiteTitle!


Met vriendelijke groet,
Het $SiteTitle team.

\n"; $showContent = true; $refreshTime = 15; $SiteSecondTitle = "Partner website: " . $click_site['p_name']; } ?>
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